Monday, October 08, 2007

Pictures From the Bottom Of The Sea

OK - so it's not as exciting as a Jules Verne novel, but it's my first pictures of recent snorkeling trips. Two weekend ago, I rented snorkeling gear and bought a cheap film camera. After snorkeling early this morning, I finished up the roll and took it to Long's Drugs to get it developed. As you can see, the results aren't exactly compelling, but there's enough to show.

The beach where I've been snorkeling is Kailua beach. It's a beautiful swimming beach , but the waves constantly churn up the water, so there's a lot of sand in the water. This makes it seem foggy. I used the flash for most of these pictures, which made the "fog" even foggier. As a result, I'll only post a few of the better pictures.

Today, I took Chad with me to snorkel. Since I had a buddy, we swam out about 400 yards off shore and saw a few more things, but the sandy water was still present. I'll have to wait until DeAnna goes with me to a different beach in order to get better pictures. Until then, here are some samples:

Here's a coral head. You can see a few small black & white fish around the bottom.

Imagine swimming about 15 feet underwater with a camera that floats like a bobber, winding, setting the flash,
pointing and snapping it at yourself... I had spots in my eyes even though the sun was out!

I was glad to get this large puffer fish on film. Every time I dove down to take a picture, he'd swim away... not back to a rock, but simply away! This picture was the only one I shot even tough I'd been trying to snap him 5 or 6 times!

It's a long way to air... about 20 feet up!

I've got 23 more - most are washed out, so I won't bore you with them. This Saturday, DeAnna arrives. I'm really looking forward to seeing her. Until then, I'll find something new to post in a day or so!


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