Friday, February 08, 2008

Master The Tempest Is Raging

On Sunday, February 3, 2008, I, my wife DeAnna and my best friend Kevin Parker were swept into the ocean and a fight for our lives. God, in His endless mercy spared us all in no small part because of the remarkable prayers of people across the United States.

Those who know me understand my tendency to be chatty, so I have written a long document (13MB) of what happened. I'll find a place to post it and give you the link (since Blogspot doesn't do PDF attachments).

I've been working so hard to keep things together this week that my blogging has suffered. I hope you can read the PDF file. I will try to encapsulate the experience and upload a synopsis with a few pictures on this page in a day or so when things have calmed down.

Thanks for being patient and for all the prayers!


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