What do I do during the day?
In case you were under the impression that I spent all my time diving and hiking here in Hawaii, I wanted you to see what my office looks like and what I do...
Last year, we installed 4ft by 8ft marker boards on the walls. In late February, I lead a team of innovative thinkers and spent several hours marking ideas all over the wall. When we were done, I took pictures of the diagrams, formulae and words then created electronic documentation of our work so we could continue in the following days.
The boards were erased and used over and over several more times before the team re-assembled three weeks ago. My Accenture boss and VP were here on Oahu and I sent them on their way while I worked with the team writing more and more really great stuff on the walls. Again, I took pictures and documented everything, then erased the boards.
The following week, I began summarizing everything and fleshing out additional concepts. By now, other people in the building began to stop in to see the guys who wrote on the walls. As I began to fill the walls again, my Army boss asked me not to erase anything so he could come in and mull over the ideas for his project work.
Now, I have dragged two more boards into the room, covered the windows and leaned boards against other boards because the ideas don't stop just because we're running out of boards! So this is what my office looks like these days... You can see that I use lots of markers and everything is very colorful!
I know we're making an impression when coworkers bring in strangers to show what we're doing and want me to explain how the concepts work! Now, people are using our ideas in their projects, teaching them to others and even adopting the ideas as their own. It is a wonderful way to close out my work here in Hawaii!
Glad to see that you are released to unleash your ever active mind!
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