A Diving Weekend!
I went to Shark's Cove today. It was a little cloudy, but the water was great. There were so many scuba divers that the water looked like a Fresca! Anyway, it was fun and I saw many amazing underwater things. I will be going to dive tomorrow on the Waianae side of the island with a friend from church. He hasn't been diving in a long time, so it should be fun! In the meantime, here are a few more diving pictures!
The other divers didn't know what to think of me. I'd put the camera down on a rock, set the timer, then swim away for the picture and then swim back to pick up the camera. I think some were embarrassed...
There are a lot of caves and lava tubes at Shark's Cove. Many of them are easy to swim through, but they don't photograph very well. Here's a good one. See the large fish on the other side?
Did you ever wonder what it's like to dive with me? Now you know what DeAnna sees!
At one point, I took my camera, set it in movie mode and dropped it from 10 feet to sink to 35 feet. The other divers thought I was nuts. One guy just shook his head and swam away as I picked up the camera. Sometimes, people are just too serious...
During this last week, I've been working 16 to 18 hour days. Several Accenture guests were visiting from the mainland and I have been playing host as well as developing new intellectual capital. It's been a great day away from the phone, computer and stress. I can't wait until tomorrow (another dive)!
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