Tuesday, April 15, 2008

John & Jessica Day 4

On Tuesday, Jessica and John took off for a day on their own. It started with a much anticipated Golf Game for John at Lahina Hills. While they were gone for the day, DeAnna and I went on a discovery journey of our own, ending up at the far western reaches of the north shore road. The ocean waves have beaten this shore and no doubt bigger waves have crashed in the past, but the wave action was interesting and we had never been there before, so it was nice.

We drove along the north shore and back down the Kamehameha highway to home. Jessica and John arrived home late, but invited us to Cold Stone Creamery and we ended up the day ready for bed.

Click HERE to read Jessica's blog entry of the day. You can also see John's blog post HERE where you can read how the golf game went!


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