Painting, Bowling & GPS
It's official - we're painting the kitchen. I get to help clear out the kitchen so that DeAnna and a friend can strip wallpaper tomorrow night. If you have a good excuse for getting out of that activity, let me know! The color of the kitchen will be a sort of dark sky blue - kind of like THIS.
I'm getting ready for a trip to Colorado to participate in a LEAN Manufacturing team effort. Because I don't have much else of a life, I'm training to be a LEAN Master. Hopefully, this will make me more marketable and I can get involved in a wider diversity of activities here at my company. I'll try to take some pictures on the way!
We went bowling yesterday for a date. It was the first time I've bowled in years and years, yet I thought I did pretty well! We bowled three games and I got a 136, 169 and 143... best scores I've had even when I bowled more often. I was reminded of the movie "The Rookie" Where Dennis Quaid could actually pitch a baseball better after years of surgery. Maybe my back surgery has had an unexpected benefit! I still don't think I'll go pro...
For my birthday a couple of months ago, I accumulated a little cash. So naturally I bought another gadget that I didn't need - a Tom Tom GPS device! I have had SO much fun with it! Last month, I went to California and it guided me right through night time San Jose traffic to my hotel. On the flight home, I was able to keep track of my actual position as we flew across the states! It has been really cool to play around with. When I get a new car, I won't have to feel like I need to get a navigation device - I'll just use my Tom Tom!
I've been recording the Discovery Channel series "Planet Earth" It is fascinating... highly recommended! How can anyone watch this series and still say there is no God? Our planet is positively blessed!