Getting Caught Up
I went to check this blog the other day with the best intentions to get it updated, but still have a lot to get "logged". Here are some brief descriptions of life since the last entry...
Alyson Visits
3 weeks ago, Alyson came to visit for a few days. It was a relatively short visit since Alyson doesn't have a lot of vacation time built up. She arrived on a Tuesday and left the following Saturday. I was busy teaching class so I only saw her in the evening, but DeAnna enjoyed the visit.
They both relaxed and I helped her out with some music/computer issues (she records her own songs on her computer). We almost missed her flight out when no one noticed a time change! Sorry, no pictures from me :-( We enjoyed the laid-back time!
WII Got One!
That's not a misspelling... We have made our first entry into the world of video gaming - we purchased a Nintendo WII system! Of course, there was a bigger goal than just playing games. The WII system uses motion-sensing controllers and the brand-new WII-Fit exercise system!
So, we're trying out the stretches and exercises on the new game. So far, it seems to be pretty effective. The only downside is that a 30 minute workout takes about an hour, but you have fun doing it. I took some pictures and I'll post them soon.
I've been in Dallas this week, but will get back to the job on Monday! More updates soon!
- Joe
(writing on the road with my Blackberry cell phone)
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