Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Tour Group

We are getting used to the tour group. It is a group of retirees and we are the youngest folks here. Everyone is  very pleasant, but we are struggling to adjust to the pace... m-u-c-h  s l o w e r.....

We are finding time to chat, to visit, to appreciate things. When did we get out of THAT habit?  We were about 10 minutes late (talking to my mom) and that put is in the back of the buffet line and we ended up at a table by ourselves... good company, but we've heard each others stories before.

So we are finding the evening relaxing and I am really enjoying talking to DeAnna... actually talking, not just sound bites.

Oops, they are getting ready to do introductions...


At Thursday, April 29, 2010, Blogger Jessica said...

Enjoying the updates!! Sounds like fun!


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