The other day, my daughter Jessica updated the look of her blog . With the new look, her picture is smaller, so I clicked on it to see it full size. When it opened up, it just hit me how good she looks with her husband, John!
I must confess, I haven't seen Jessica as happy since she was a little girl. I must also confess that I don't know John as well as I should. That's my loss, I think.
John has loved Jessica long before Jessica realized that she loved John. They dated some in High School, but Jessica decided to call it quits. Despite this, John maintained contact with the family and continued to help her mom and sister in Jessica's absence.
Here's a paraphrased story about John... Once, Jessica was boarding a flight and discovered that she didn't have her driver's license. Without it, she couldn't board the plane. It was painfully early in the morning but returning to the house would mean she'd miss the flight. They called John, woke him up and asked him to go get Jessica's driver's license and rush it to the airport.
Think about it... Your ex-girlfriend asks you to go to her house, rifle through her stuff to find one thing, and drive like a banshee to the airport 25 miles away! John did this, pulled into the passenger drop-off and handed the license over as Jessica immediately ran to the airplane. He returned home by himself, but Jessica made the flight.
John likes golf and games. He used to teach theater craft and worked in theater productions. Now, he is an insurance manager at Farmer's. All of this is completely outside my world, but the one thing we have in common is his wife - my daughter Jessica. I remember having no concerns about him when they got married. I have no concerns now.
Jessica recently sent me an e-mail in which she wrote, "He's not just a big part of my life....he is my life" You can see that in Jessica. But as you look at that picture, you can see it in John as well. He has always treated her like a princess even when Jessica treated him like... well... like less than a prince. I may not know John as well as I should, but I know enough to see the joy he brings to Jessica's life. He is someone I want to know better... I just need to learn a little about golf or 'Guitar Hero'...
I'm thankful that John patiently courted Jessica. I thankful that he loves her so much. I'm thankful for his personality and joy that he brings to everyone. Most of all, I'm thankful that John is part of my family.
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